Sorry for the long delay of posts, life got crazy!
Anyone in Erie this time of year needs to find a hobby to get them out and enjoy the snow instead of hating it from the indoors. Embrace the weather around you and take time to learn cross country skiing. I am glad my husband took the time to talk me into this sport. I am still learning, but I've gotten better since my outings last season!
When you cross country ski you get a workout, so you're not FREEZING from the constant motion, and it's a great way to check out more Erie has to offer! We've been to Wilderness Lodge, Asbury Park and a field out in Fairview... can't remember the name of it!
I encourage you to borrow a friends ski's, go to the Lodge and rent skis, or be brave and buy a pair because you will love it. I know our dog always enjoys the trips we take out. Gives her a chance to run free in beautiful Erie as well!
Go, get out there to that beautiful white stuff that surrounds us!